Satisfaction of International Students with their Experiences in Kenyan Christian Universities, and their Willingness to Recommend their Institutions


  • Esther Nyagah Africa International University
  • Victor Cole Africa International University
  • Rosemary Mbogo Africa International University

Mots-clés :

International students’ satisfaction, students’ experiences, willingness to recommend universities, international students’ lifecycle, international student mobility, regionalization, educational quality, open systems


The support of student movement across borders for higher education has seen a rise in intra-regional student mobility in Africa. However, there is still limited feedback on the experiences of international students studying in African universities. A survey done among five private universities in Kenya in the year 2017 sought to establish the relationship between international student experiences and their overall satisfaction and willingness to recommend their institutions. Findings revealed significant relationships between international students’ overall satisfaction and their satisfaction with various experiences in their student lifecycle such as application, learning, living and experiences with the usage of support services. A niche contribution of this study to the literature is the association between international students’ overall satisfaction and their satisfaction with institutional support services. The study concludes that enhancing student experiences requires a holistic approach, including key support services of teaching staff, registry, library and the chaplaincy. 




Comment citer

Nyagah, E., Cole, V., & Mbogo, . R. . (2021). Satisfaction of International Students with their Experiences in Kenyan Christian Universities, and their Willingness to Recommend their Institutions. Impact: Journal of Transformation, 4(1), 74–86. Consulté à l’adresse